Why designing is not a JOB and a part of LIFESTYLE
First of all I am thankful to the Medium platform for giving me this opportunity to express my thoughts in words. I am very grateful as a designer to all my fellow designers, clients whom I worked with, and every one who inspire me to become a better person professionally and personally. I am basically using Medium to share my own experiences as a designer and try to share my learnings to all the aspiring designers who want to build better experiences for users. I will also share case studies of projects that I created to give a deep insight of my design process, how I make design decisions, research and problems that I tried to solve during the design.
A short intro about me: I am Prakhar Neel Sharma, an India based Designer, designing all kind of digital experiences. I have been working as a designer from the last 7 years and I am still enjoying waking up every morning and start my day thinking about designs, exploring different works by eminent people across the globe, reading articles on Medium etc.
“Designing is not a JOB, its a part of LIFE. It is basically lifestyle”. The reason for writing this article is because I get lots of mails, dms about choosing career as a designer. And 95% (actually 98%) of people wants to pursue this profession just for the sake of getting higher packages, placement in MNCs etc etc, which is alright, I am not criticising their motives but the thing is they don’t want to work hard to make it possible. And you can’t work hard until you love your job, and you can’t love your job until you really enjoy what you are doing.
I want to say openly that please don’t choose digital designing or any kind of design related work just as a profession, if you have the burning desire to make this world a better place then YES DESIGNING IS FOR YOU. It is not required to be good in sketching, or painting or in arts to be a designer. All it needs is passion and thirst to make this world more beautiful. Trust me, money will come automatically my friend, it won’t go anywhere. But a true artist is not bothered by financial gains or profits. A creative person only want to create beautiful work irrespective of how much they are getting paid for it.
So all I want to say is Designing is a wonderful career option for youth, who especially have the caliber and potential to make this world more beautiful and meaningful. Don’t treat it as a JOB, its way more beyond working 9 to 5. As a designer you could feel beauty in each and every object around you and understand the nature of objects and absorb how things work heuristically.
Money is related to work and work is related to the passion and burning desire to accomplish the perfection. Money depends on how much love, dedication and care you give to the work and that work returns you back your love and care in the form of money. So let’s make this world a beautiful and more inspiring place.
I hope you like my thoughts. If you do share your appreciation and let me know what you think in the comments section. Many thanks for reading this. Want to know more about me and my work? Please check my creations on:
- Dribbble : https://dribbble.com/prakhar
- Behance : https://www.behance.net/prakhar1
- Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/prakhar-neel-sharma-56873792